Volunteer Opportunities
Get involved at Polo Ridge! Here are our current volunteering needs - please note, you MUST be a CMS Registered Volunteer before volunteering in our school (click here in order to register). Please note: you must re-register every school year. Please make sure you've done so for the 2024-2025 school year before coming up to the school!
Pony Dads
Our tradition at Polo Ridge is to have our Dads run the car line on Friday mornings. This helps relieve the Polo Ridge staff once a week from their morning car line duties, AND gives them a few extra minutes to prepare for their day. Please consider coming out to help! No experience required - sign up as often as you're able!
Ballantyne Families Helping Neighbors in Need
Ballantyne Families Helping Neighbors in Need provides food assistance to families who attend or work in one of the 11 Ballantyne-area public schools through four annual givings and the food pantry. Their mission is to inspire, engage, organize, and empower the community to identify and meet the needs of our neighbors. There are many ways to help BFHNIN, from distributing food bags to area schools, writing encouraging notes, to packing bags of food and helping in the food pantry. Please take a look and sign up here if you are interested.
Our tradition at Polo Ridge is to have our Dads run the car line on Friday mornings. This helps relieve the Polo Ridge staff once a week from their morning car line duties, AND gives them a few extra minutes to prepare for their day. Please consider coming out to help! No experience required - sign up as often as you're able!
Ballantyne Families Helping Neighbors in Need
Ballantyne Families Helping Neighbors in Need provides food assistance to families who attend or work in one of the 11 Ballantyne-area public schools through four annual givings and the food pantry. Their mission is to inspire, engage, organize, and empower the community to identify and meet the needs of our neighbors. There are many ways to help BFHNIN, from distributing food bags to area schools, writing encouraging notes, to packing bags of food and helping in the food pantry. Please take a look and sign up here if you are interested.